Custom Card: Midwife

September 18, 2014

Filed Under : Cards - Paper Projects

This custom card was specially designed for a first time mama who wanted to thank her midwife for all the support she received from her. Made from nine pieces of paper (plus a set of puff glue earrings), this card featured the midwife standing there holding the newborn baby. So sweet and thoughtful.

custom card by anastasia marie // midwife
custom card by anastasia marie // midwife
custom card by anastasia marie // midwife

See more of my custom cards here.

Gift Wrap: Simply Tissue

September 17, 2014

Filed Under : Gift Wrap + Packaging - Paper Projects

My sister got engaged this past weekend and we’re very excited for her and her fiancee. And that rock of hers? Swoon. I gave them a ring dish as an engagement present and wrapped it up in one sheet of tissue paper. I say this all the time and I don’t always abide by it, but gift wrapping doesn’t always have to be crazy in order to be beautiful. Sometimes, all you need is a pretty piece of tissue paper, some washi tape to seal it up, a yard of twine, and a fun tag. It’s affordable, it’s quick, and if you’re careful enough not to wrinkle the tissue too much, you can get a winner of a wrapped gift.

gift wrap with simple tissue via anastasia marie

Almost Ready

September 8, 2014

Filed Under : Personal

It’s been some months since I’ve been on here and as much as I’ve enjoyed the time off, I’ve also missed being on here more than I expected I would! Little Henry is growing with speed and I can only marvel at how far he’s come since the day we first met him. If you follow me on Instagram, you got to see little snaps here and there of him being his adorable self. I remember being overjoyed seeing his first smile, hearing his first sneeze, feeling his first grip on my finger — and now we’re nearly five months old.

via Instagram @anastasiamika

Last week I posted a photo on Instagram of one of my favorite things to do with my little guy (shown above). Snuggling. Over the weekend he got his first cold and now he’s feeling extra snuggly and I’m soaking it all in. Even though he’s feeling pretty crummy, it’s still such a precious moment to see how he’s handling his runny nose. He’s more than content to just lie there and watch me fold laundry or put this blog post together. I just have a hard time understanding how we ever lived without this little guy.

But as this blog post is titled, I am pretty much ready to start blogging again. Hooray! It’s been five months for goodness sakes! So starting next week, get ready to see my blog posts again. There might be a little difference in what goes up when or what type of post I do, but I hope you still enjoy them.

Until then.

Maternity Leave

March 31, 2014

Filed Under : Personal

baby shower decor

Isn’t that baby shower cake just the cutest? And those paper airplanes and stars? They’re just small details from my baby shower that took place a month ago and I’m in love still.

So, as you’ve noticed, it’s been really slow on the blog of late as I prep for the arrival of our very first babe in just two weeks and I guess now is a good time as any to say that I am officially going on maternity leave! I will take a break from blogging in order to adjust to all the newness and embrace the life of motherhood. Since blogging is a very time-consuming thing, I’m not exactly sure when I will start up again, but I hope sometime in early summer or late spring. The Shop will stay open a while longer, but will be closed for just a wee bit as we get closer to the due date and for a bit afterwards. Once the Shop hits vacation mode, you will be able to sign up for an email notification via Etsy when it is back and running.

And just to share a few snaps from our maternity love shoot to make this blog post even sweeter:

maternity love shootmaternity love shootmaternity love shootmaternity love shootmaternity love shoot

Photos by Angela Shae.


UPDATE: the Shop is now back up and running! Stop by!

Our little one is finally here! Welcome, Henry James! Born 04.14.14 (on his due date, of course) at 11:43 in the morning; 7.4 lbs and 21″ long with a head full of long dark hair. We are beyond ecstatic. We are throughly enjoying how he has transformed our lives and are wondering how in the world life existed before him. Oh my heart.
