The Weekend Post

January 4, 2013

Filed Under : Personal

I was hoping to get back to blogging earlier this week, but I caught a little cold over the New Year weekend, so I took it easy this week in hopes I would get better sooner if I did. So things will be back to normal starting Monday instead.

So how were your Christmas + New Year celebrations? My husband’s birthday is just three days before Christmas, so things were pretty packed. We had a little party at our place with our friends to celebrate his birthday, two Christmas Eve family gatherings, and a fun trip to Sunriver, Oregon for the New Year weekend with my family and some friends. Enjoyed every bit of it.

instagram snaps - @anastasiamika

1   My husband made me a latte to keep me going as I wrapping up the last of the Christmas presents. And surprise, it wasn’t just any latte, this one had a snowman in it!

2   With my husband’s birthday so close to Christmas, I couldn’t resist wrapping up his presents in Christmas cheer.

3   The views were gorgeous on Mt. Bachelor.

4   I bought a loaf of walnut apple raisin bread at a local bakery to enjoy on vacation.

5   We spent the whole weekend working away at this one puzzle. We eventually finished it, but long past our predicted finish date.

6   On our way back home, we stopped by the famous Sisters Coffee Co. in Sisters, Oregon for a cup of coffee and an almond croissant.

Follow me on Instagram: @anastasiamika

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