Quick Update

August 13, 2013

Filed Under : News

Just wanted to let you all know that I’ll be taking the next two weeks off from blogging. It wasn’t planned, but I feel like I need to. The next couple weeks are big crucial days. We have all the big stuff scheduled to happen with our house remodeling and I want to put a bit of extra focus on getting everything I need done so the professionals can come in and do what they need to do. The shop will stay open as usual and I will still be answering questions and fulfilling orders; I just will put a pause on blogging and invest that time into the home. Hopefully by next week, I can start setting up my studio again so I can get more crafty posts going for you all. Follow me on Instagram to get little looks into how things are progressing. I’ll be seeing you all soon!

instagram @anastasiamika


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