My Custom Valentine Giveaway

January 13, 2011

Filed Under : Giveaways + Specials

This giveaway is extra special because you get to create something of your own. That is, the prize is a custom card for your Valentine! Wouldn’t it be awesome to put something more meaningful into the card that you give to your other half this Valentine? I think so.

This giveaway starts today {obviously} and ends on Thursday, January 20th at 11:59 pm PST. The winner will be randomly chosen via and announced on Friday, January 21st, in my Weekend Post. That way we have more time to design and assemble the perfect card! How to win? Easy enough:

1.  Like this post.

2.  Leave a comment below telling me what your most favorite thing about your love is.

3.  For an extra entry, you can tweet or facebook about this giveaway. Then leave an additional comment below saying you did so! {Copy & paste the purple portion}:

For your Twitter: Win a handcrafted custom card for your Valentine via @anastasiamika! Details here:

For your Facebook: Win a handcrafted custom card for your Valentine via Anastasia Marie: Handcrafted Cards & Stationery! Details here:

Good luck! {image via flickr}

12 thoughts on “My Custom Valentine Giveaway

  1. Jen

    What I love most about my husband is his willingness to help out with all of his talents. He is a software engineer and he frequently uses those skills to build a program for the youth group we work with, and he does so willingly with a smile. Even when he is really busy with work he takes the time to reach out and help these kids while still making sure that I am happy and doing well.

  2. Lesya

    Honestly there is nothing I don’t love about my amazing husband! And if you say there are no perfect people on this earth, I think you are wrong! Because God spend extra time on my husband and he made him perfect for me! This man just knows how to make me happy… I love watching him give so much to others and the way he loves surving the Lord… I love the way he plays with our little daughter and I love when out of no where he would give me a compliment on the most random thing… And he just makes every day seem as if it’s still our wedding day or a honey moon… He is the best! I wish this kind of husband and this kind of love to every girl on this earth…

  3. Robin

    The favorite thing about my boyfriend-so hard to choose. I often tell him ‘He’s my favorite’ :) But my favorite thing about him is he’s almost always in a very pleasant mood. He wants to know how my day was first, even if he’s had a bad one. He’s just the best!

  4. Julia

    I won’t be anywhere near home on Valentine’s Day, otherwise I would enter. Yuriy totally deserves a custom handmade card crafted by the famous Anastasia Marie.

  5. Natasha Danch

    What I most like about my amazing hubby is his willingness to grow and change and his sense on humor. Life is fun with him no matter how hard it can get. I am very thankful to God for my best friend.

  6. Sophia

    Love slowly and unnoticeable washes away the grime of bitterness, resentment, feelings of betrayal and what else that doesn’t pertain to it. Until you come across a pleasant realization of growth in love. That is, if you accept it.


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