Category Archives: Personal

Pieces of my Christmas Home

November 26, 2012

Filed Under : Personal

Decorating for Christmas is something I devote a whole day to, yet every year I keep it simple and sweet. My husband told me just a few days ago that our home looks the same every Christmas. That’s because I use the same ornaments and other little details every year. I never feel like spending a load of money every year to do something different. But I do shop around and buy extra little details on sale as Christmas draws to a close — for the next Christmas, of course. Does your Christmas decor change from year to year, or does it stay the same with a few extra new details? And yes, those frames below majorly need some photos in them since they’ve been sitting up on my mantle for nearly a year like that.

A Week Off

October 23, 2012

Filed Under : Personal

This week I’m going to take some time off to recuperate from being sick and catch up on all the work I’ve left behind since I started not feeling too great. It’s definitely not a great way to get into my holiday season — being really behind since I did almost nothing last week except sleep. I must have gotten too excited when the weekend came and I felt a million bucks better — only to have it catch up with me again Sunday evening. Got to love sick days, right?

Photo via Call Me Cupcake.

All Rested Up

September 17, 2012

Filed Under : Personal

The past two weeks have been wonderfully relaxing. It’s so nice to take a good break from blogging, packaging orders, answering emails, and the lot — and actually focus on other things on a greater level. During my break, I spent 10 days in Maui with my husband. I think I am finally becoming just like my mum. As kids, she drove us bonkers because every time we went on a road trip or any vacation, she would have to stop and snap a photo of every flower and every tree. Sure, we kids made it into the photos occasionally, but my mom is a big-time nature lover when it comes to photos. I was exactly the same on this trip. I spent more time snapping photos of the beautiful scenery than snapping photos of anything else. Oh boy. You’ll totally tell in this blog post; I just couldn’t resist sharing some of my favorites with you. And yes, I was really excited to finally be on vacation. My grin below proves it.

Last time I was in Maui, we stayed on the complete opposite site of the island, towards Hana. So we didn’t even drive out in that direction this time, but decided to explore the parts that we didn’t get the chance to see then. These are photos from our drive around the northwest part of Maui, where sometimes the road gets so narrow, it’s not even a full lane — and if there’s oncoming traffic, you just have to figure it out. At one point, we came across a school bus heading the other direction. We had to park on a hill and wait for it to pass. Talk about scary. I would have taken photos of these roads, but I didn’t feel too safe getting out of the car because the locals drive on those roads as if they’re a full lane freeway.

Maui’s landscape is pretty unusual. One minute you’re driving through lush greenery — and the next minute it looks like a red dessert. Never a boring moment. September is when the winds start sweeping into the Hawaiian islands, so we got plenty of blow-away moments while taking this drive — where you’re frantically trying to hold onto the camera, your sunglasses, your dress, and your hair all at the same time. Good times.

The sandals are in just for the fun of it. Don’t mind my un-manicured toes. I failed to find the time beforehand to spruce them up.

We stayed at a beachfront resort and got an awesome ocean view. I loved being able to walk out onto our balcony and see the sunset every night. They were gorgeous every night. And just to let you in on how gorgeous, the following photos are not edited. They are straight out of the camera with all their vibrant colors.

Well, that’s the end of it. I’m ready to get back into routine blog posts and get ready to start seeing some new things pop up in the shop. Finally! I think I’ve been saying for way too long.

Up, Up, and Away!

August 31, 2012

Filed Under : Personal

It’s that time of year again when I’m ready for some rest and relaxation. Yep, that means a nice long vacation. Hooray! I’ll be taking the next two weeks off from blogging + the shop will be closed, and somewhere in there, I plan to head to a sunny beach for some suntanning (which I have totally missed out on this whole summer) and let the sunshine wake me up every morning instead of an alarm clock. I know I’ll have a hard time staying away from Instagram, so follow me there to see my vacation adventures. Cheerio!

Photo via Flickr | CubaGallery. Text was added by me.