It’s been quite the month over here. It’s had more hardships than I’ve personally ever had so close together and I think we’re all still trying to figure out what just happened. We lost two of our dear friends within three weeks of each other, one of them especially extra close to my heart for he was my cousin and the best friend I had before I married my new best friend. Both deaths were so tragic and unexpected, my husband and I just held each other closer all month because we once again were reminded just how real (and yet unreal) death is. We don’t know what the future holds for us and those we are surrounded by, so we decided to treat life as something that needs to be lived to its fullest instead of getting lost in the things that don’t matter in the end. It’s so easy to make that decision, but so much harder to actually live by it.
God didn’t promise that the way would be easy and that we’d never come across hardships, but He did promise that He would carry us through each one. So whether it be the pains of Henry teething (his two bottom teeth are in) or me being bummed out that my sister and her husband finally moved out into their own place (the place feels so lonely and I swear there’s an echo) — I’m trying to learn to absorb each thing positively and learn new things as I go.
With all this going on, I decided to make a decision about this blog of mine. I think when I became a mama, I started taking on things differently. I find myself getting more emotional about things that didn’t touch me before — and just to clarify, I’m talking about the good emotional here. Having Henry made me look at life as what it is: a miracle. I want to do so much with him.
I know that I promised that I was going to start up blogging regularly again, and I know I did for just a while, but this miraculous life we’re living just keeps reminding me that I no longer have the time that I had before. I do still have 24 hours in my day, but many of those hours are now spent differently than before. So as a result, I just can’t find the time to put together daily posts. Rushing them last minute means they come out just blah and not worth publishing. So instead, I’m going to blog less often, but when I do, it’ll be about things that I love or a good project that I’m dying to share with you all. I’m hoping that since daily isn’t working out, I can at least do weekly, right?
On a lighter note, two weekends ago, we had a lovely time with The Manchiks getting our family photos taken. Both photos below are sneak peeks of the very end of the shoot via Julia Manchik’s phone; Henry was completely tuckered out by this time and didn’t make it into the shot. Fingers crossed for the perfect Christmas card photo; by the time we got around to taking those, we couldn’t get a smile out of him no matter how hard we tried. He actually fell asleep less than 30 seconds after we started our trek home. Poor little guy. I’m sure we have some gems taken of him though, so it was worth it.