A New Year + Snow

January 6, 2016

Filed Under : Personal

falling snow

It’s a shiny brand new year and even though it’s technically not any different type of day, but for some reason, we tend to find inspiration in the fact that it’s new. New means lots of things, and for me, it feels like I’m starting with a fresh slate and I’m ready to tackle stuff. Perhaps it was all that time off I took for Christmas + the New Year. Anyways, nothing beats starting the New Year with a dusting of snow, and that’s exactly what we did over here. I ordered my little guy a snowsuit right before Christmas when we had snow in forecast then (didn’t see a single flake), and it finally came in handy now (when it was not forecast at all, ha). Isn’t he just the cutest little snow puff ever?

via Anastasia Marie via Anastasia Marie

1 thought on “A New Year + Snow

  1. Laura Jolly

    I just looked at these photos; they are lovely, and your little bundle of joy is adorable. Thank you for sharing.


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