This custom card was created to give an event planner for Christmas. The planner himself was re-created into paper form for this:
See more of my custom cards here.
December 30, 2014
Filed Under : Cards - Paper Projects
This custom card was created to give an event planner for Christmas. The planner himself was re-created into paper form for this:
See more of my custom cards here.
December 25, 2014
Filed Under : Cards
This card was custom created to send to an event planner for Christmas. Featuring her, and her being Darcie of A Dazzling Day, standing there with a party checklist and a Christmas wreath all decked out.
See more of my custom cards here.
December 18, 2014
Filed Under : Gift Wrap + Packaging - Paper Projects
Stars have been a constant theme for Christmas time, so I think it’s just to put a star-inspired gift wrap post up. Once again, I have favored kraft and gold but this time I added hints of black and white. Packaging supplies needed (besides the scissors and tape) are listed below:
kraft box with lid (I found this one at TJ Maxx last year)
Gold glitter paper (any craft store should carry this)
Glittery clothespin
Metallic twine (the twine shown here are all from Knot & Bow)
Using various colored twine, wrap the box twice around with each color and secure each strand with a knot on the bottom of the box. Hand draw a crooked star on the back of the glitter paper and cut it out. Don’t try to be crooked; it’ll come naturally as you hand draw. For the final touch, pin the star on top of the box with the glitter clothespin. Use star as a mini tag if you’d like.
December 16, 2014
Filed Under : Cards - Paper Projects
This card was custom created to intentionally giggle about someone lugging their iMac to a coffee shop. What else are friends for than to giggle about such things, right?
See more of my custom cards here.
December 4, 2014
Filed Under : Personal
On the first day of November, we had our family photos taken. Really wish we had done one of these sessions when Henry was a firstborn too. Love getting his cute face captured. These photos were done by The Manchiks and there are just way too many good ones to choose from. Here are my faves:
By the time we hit the outdoors, Henry was 99% tuckered out. There was absolutely nothing we could do to get more than half a smile out of him. So yes, he has his little spaced out look in pretty much all the photos. I love them just the same though.